Toby Chapter Thirty

Old Harley Sadler
Harley Sadler in his later years

Previously in the novel: Harley and Billie Sadler spent their lives bringing entertainment to farms on the high plains of Texas in the first half of the Twentieth Century. They endured economic hardship, lost their daughter Gloria, helped each other with personal demons and hung on to each other into old age.

Nobody in the theater seemed to care that an overweight man in his sixties was playing Toby, who, by definition, was the picture of young, innocence and energy that came from a heart filled with goodness. They saw what they wanted to see. It was about halfway through Act Three, and Toby was ready for Susie Belle to talk him into helping the Goodheart family fight off the evil Mr. Hurtmore.
But the young lady playing Susie Belle was late on her entrance. Harley was a bit surprised because the actress had been extremely efficient with her cues during the rehearsals. He was not irritated in the least. Harley actually enjoyed being left on a stage to his own devices.
“If that Susie Belle don’t git out here soon, I’m gonna have to tell the story how Clark Gable worked in one of my shows many a summer ago. Now he really was as handsome as he looked in the movies, but he delivered his lines something awful. He was like a bump on a log, so I had to let him go. Who knew I fired a million dollars!”
Everyone in the audience laughed which pleased Harley. Suddenly the laughter turned to hooting, clapping and stomping. He turned to see Billie decked out in her Susie Belle outfit and makeup.
“Next you’ll tell them how you put up a big sign saying Jennifer Jones was appearing that night, but she didn’t show up!” Billie had not been that perky in years.
For the first time in his career, Harley lost his composure on stage. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. “Hey!” he finally said, “this ain’t the Susie Belle I started out with!”
“Of course it is!” she shot back. “I’m the Susie Belle you’ve always had.” She looked out at the audience. “Now, let’s git on with this play!”
The audience roared with pleasure that Billie was back at Harley’s side where they remembered seeing her all those years ago. A little girl with golden curls ran out and knelt before Harley and Billie.
“Oh Toby! Susie Belle! You’ve got to help Mama and Papa save the farm!”
Billie froze a moment. Harley looked in her eyes and saw what she saw. There kneeling on the stage was Gloria, their little girl. He did not realized before this moment but he recommended casting this particular child because she looked like Gloria. Harley felt terrible. He knew how Billie would react. He did not want to inflict any more pain on his wife than she already bore. He felt Billie’s hand slip into his and squeeze.
“Don’t you worry none, Molly,” she said with determination. “Toby and Susie Belle will help your folks. And Toby and Susie Belle will always be there to help you. Even after you grow up and go away, Toby and Susie Belle will always love you.”
A burden lifted from Harley’s shoulders. He no longer felt compelled to save Billie or make life easier for her. Life would always be what it had always been. Sometimes wonderful, sometimes dreadful. And that would be all right.
“Sounds like Susie Belle’s makin’ up a whole new play.”
“And I’m gonna make up something else too.” Billie took Harley’s face and planted a big kiss on his lips. Again the audience erupted in applause As they separated, Harley smiled.
“Ooh la la.”

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