Jonathan and Mina in Romantic Transylvania

Mina’s slender porcelain hand slithered around the edges of the tapestry, her fingers deliciously touching the ridges and ripples of the embroidery. Eventually her full arm rolled out followed by her lithesome form filmily clad in translucent lingerie. Her bosom rose and fell as her body experienced tactile exhilarations she had denied herself from her earliest moments of awareness. Mina even tasted her own hair as she had just recently liberated the locks from their confines of combs and clips.
Jonathan, sans trousers, his shirt opened to his hairless bellybutton, emerged from the game room, his nostrils flaring from the scent of unrestrained femininity currently oozing from Mina’s pores. He sped to her as she turned sharply to meet him eye to eye, nose to nose, chest to chest.
“Greeetingssss, Meeena,” he hissed. “Ssso good to sssee you again.”
“Sssoo good to sssee you, Jonathan,” she hissed back.
They tried to take a nip out of each other’s supple necks but missed. They circled each other as though they wrestlers.
“You belong to me, Meeena.”
“I want in your blood.”
Running toward each other, they locked in an impassioned embrace. Mina pulled Jonathan’s hair, yanking his head back and causing the veins in his neck to bulge. He yelped in sexually charged aching. She lunged in for another attack to the jugular, but he grabbed her slender shoulders, hurling her to the floor.
“That’s where I want you, at my feet!”
“Burn in hell!”
“I love it when you talk dirty!”
Jonathan fells on top of Mina. They rolled around on the floor, grunting like pigs in heat. Dracula pulled back the tapestry, entered the great hall and immediately fell over the writhing couple which did not distract them at all from their business of making mad passionate love. The count stood, dusted himself off and tried to maintain his Transylvanian dignity as much as possible.
“Beginners!” he muttered. “They’re always so obvious.”
Susie Belle rushed in from the game room. “Sweet lips! Everything is working according to your plan!”
Before Dracula could reply, Jonathan and Mina rolled back his way and knocked him on his ass again. After he stood, he nudged them with the side of his shoe.
“Will you stop that!”
“Leave them alone, honey child,” Susie Belle drawled. “Looks like they’re having fun.”
“They can have all the fun they want,” he huffed. “I just want them to leave me alone!”
Mina snatched Jonathan’s hair again, rising to her knees and lugged him across the room, with him writing and howling the whole way.
“Ooh,” Susie Belle purred, “that looks like fun. We’ll have to try that sometime.”
“No, we won’t!” Dracula snapped.
Jonathan finally extricated himself from Mina’s domination and stood, his sweating chest heaving with lust.
“You little vixen! How would you like for me to pull you by the hair up those stairs and into the bedroom where I would attack you in wild sexual abandon?”
“I’d like to sssee you try it!” Mina giggled as she dashed up the stairs, stalked by a snarling Jonathan.
Wagging his head in disgust, Dracula waved at Susie Belle. “Come here. We’ve plans to make.”
“Sure enough, count baby.”
Dracula guided Susie Belle to the far side of the sofa as Mina eluded Jonathan on the balcony and ran back down the stairs, with Jonathan not far behind. They continued to cavort throughout the entry hall as the vampires confabbed.
“It is dangerously close to dawn,” Dracula whispered.
Susie Belle sighed. “Thank goodness. I’m dead tired.”
“But if the sunlight forces us into our coffins before we kill Van Helsing, he will surely find our resting places and drive a you-know what into our hearts.
Mina, hurtled herself between Dracula and his remaining wife, teetering dangerously off balance. When Jonathan immediately followed up with the vengeance of a rugby player, both vampires collapsed. Dracula creaked to his feet and extended a hand to Susie Belle to help her stand.
“I’ll be glad when those two calm down,” he groused.
“Give ‘em time, honey. Now back to business. I don’t know why you’re worried. There’s still three of us to one of him.
“Speaking of three, where is Claustrophobia?
“Oh, probably outside taking in the great outdoors,” she replied with great disdain. “The ninny. The great outdoors remind me too much of the cotton fields back home.”
Before Susie Belle could continue her harangue against Claustrophobia, Jonathan and Mina shoved their way between the vampires again.
“This is too much,” Dracula huffed. “Let’s go upstairs so we can continue our discussion in privacy.”
Jonathan finally caught Mina and threw her on the sofa sliding his lean body next to hers. They began kissing. Loudly. Very loudly.
“How vulgar!” the count commented with a harrumph.
Susie Belle stopped abruptly and grabbed Dracula’s arm. “Oh no. What if Van Helsing’s gotten to Claustrophobia?”
“You mean…?”
“Yes.” She pantomimed getting a stake in the heart and added the appropriate gurgling sounds.
Dracula reacted in shock and horror, recovering rapidly since he was, after all, the Prince of Darkness. “Then we must truly be careful.”
“Bite me! Bite me!” Jonathan screamed in more ecstasy than anger, which drew the attention of the resident blood-suckers.
Mina laughed as she sprang from the sofa. “No!” Even novice nosferatu coquettish.
Jonathan bounded from the sofa and began to chase her again. “Then I will bite you!”
Watching the young lovers prance about the room was tiresome, on the verge of irksome.
“Do you think if you bit him a third time, it’d calm him down?”
“I’d love to find out,” Susie Belle purred.
“Good,” the count replied with relief. “First you bite Mr. Harker again, and I’ll bite Miss Seward for the third time. That will then give four of us to overcome Dr. Van Helsing.
Mina ran toward the double doors.” I want to play in the game room! I haven’t gotten to play in the game room and you have!”
“Oh yessss! It’s very excccciting!”
Mina and Jonathan scampered through the double doors, laughing and giggling.
“After them!” Dracula was tired of tolerating amateurs. He spread his cape. Lightning and thunder filled the large drafty hall. Even the children of the night howled in righteous indignation. The count descended the staircase with a vengeance. Susie Belle trailed him, befitting a zealous disciple.
“Sure enough, sugar lump!”
They stopped before entering and stared through the door with surprise.
“My, but they are having fun,” Susie Belle gasped.
“Bringing Miss Seward under my control at this point in time may prove more problematic than I thought.”
Susie Belle’s mouth went agape and she pointed. “Honey, at this point in time. She’s completely out of control. Look at that girl swing!”
“Oh well,” Dracula announced with a sigh. “Here goes nothing.” He straightened his shoulders and marched into his well-equipped game room.

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