David, Wallis and the Mercenary Chapter Ninety-Three

Previously: Mercenary Leon meets MI6 spies David, the Prince of Wales and socialite Wallis Spencer. David becomes king then abdicates to marry Wallis. He becomes Bahamas governor. Leon dies and his son Sidney becomes a mercenary. David hires him as his valet. Sidney begins affair with another mercenary Aline.
One bright December morning, the Duchess called for Sidney who was helping the Duke select what he wanted to wear to his meeting with the Bay Street Boys. Sidney knew the Duke didn’t need his help picking out a suit but instead wanted his impressions about the social and economic unrest in Nassau.
“My people are simple,” Sidney said. “They haven’t any concept of wealth and what that might bring. All they want is full bellies, a warm bed, clothes with no holes in them and, in the case of the camp people north of town, all they want is a real house which will keep out the rain. Will paying enough money to provide those things reduce the lifestyle of the Bay Street Boys? Well, the answer is up to you.”
The Duke tied the knot in his tie and looked at his valet with his squinty eye. “How did you get so smart?”
Sidney smiled. “My father was a very smart man. He stayed quiet and watched the people around him. He read newspapers, and he read newspapers to me.”
The Duke cocked his head. “Wallis is calling you. You better go.” He stuck his arm out to block Sidney’s path. “But first, I want to thank you. I wish my father had been as smart as yours.”
Sidney found the Duchess in the breakfast room.
“I know this is very abrupt but I’d appreciate it very much if you could throw a few things into your bag and accompany me to Miami. I’m doing my Christmas shopping, and I’ll need your help.”
“Of course, Your Highness.”
“The boat leaves at noon. I hope that won’t rush you too much. Of course it won’t. Men can pack faster than women.”
By mid-afternoon, she lounged in a deck chair while Sidney stood by her side, awaiting orders.
“Oh, do sit down. I’ll get a crick in my neck if I have to look up at you.”
After he positioned himself in the chair next to hers, he took out a notepad and pencil to take notes.
“The Duke and I feel it is very important to give proper gifts to our staff at Christmas. That keeps them loyal, if you get my point. This year we also have the Red Cross Volunteers, soldiers in the hospitals and the camp people north of Nassau and that’s where you come in. What would be appreciated by the butler would be totally useless to a homeless boy, as I’m sure you’d agree.”
“Yes, madame.”
“So, you have the pad and pencil. Write what you think they need.”
“Blankets, pillows, new clothing—nothing fancy, basic pullover shirts and pants tied with string at the top. Bandanas to wipe the sweat from their brows. Sandals. Raincoats and hats. Food that doesn’t rot overnight.”
“And for the children?” she asked.
“Dolls for the girls, and don’t make them too fancy or else their mothers won’t let them play with them. And balls so the boys can play rugby.”
“Any toy guns?” she added.
“No. We don’t want to teach them to shoot at people. They will learn that soon enough in real life.”
The Duchess settled back in her lounge chair and closed her eyes. “You are such a comfort, Sidney. Your parents must have been wonderful people. They taught you the right thing to say and to do at the right time.” She paused. “I wish I knew how to do that.”
The next couple of days was a whirl of shopping activities. Press photographers followed the Duchess of Windsor as she went from store to store. Sidney was careful to keep his face hidden behind stacks of packages. He didn’t think the organization would want his picture plastered in newspapers around the world.
By the evening of the third day, they returned from Miami with all packages being delivered to the Governor’s Palace by dock workers. After dinner, Sidney made sure the Duke and Duchess were settled into their suite for the night, and then slipped out of the palace grounds on the short walk to Aline’s apartment. When he arrived, the pot with the dead plant was by the door. He tapped.
“Is that you, Sidney?” Aline called out.
“Uh hum.”
Something must be wrong. She’s never said my name loud enough for anyone else to hear.
Opening the door, she pulled him in, slammed it shut and wrapped her arms around him. Aline kissed him over and over on the lips, his cheeks and neck.
“I’ve been so worried,” she murmured. “I didn’t know where you were. I knew the Duchess was going to Miami but I didn’t know if you went with her. I didn’t see you in any of the pictures in the paper. I didn’t dare go to the Palace, even when Harry wanted me to take notes of his meeting with the Duke. My biggest worry was that someone from the organization might have killed you.”
He held her at arm’s length by the shoulders. “Slow down. You’re on the verge of hyperventilating.” Sidney tilted his head. “I thought the organization was pleased with my work.”
Aline’s eyes widened. A frightened smile crossed her lips. “It is. But mistakes happen. People get jealous.” She rushed back into his arms. “You’re so young but I’ve grown to depend on you so much.”
“You better fix us drinks.”
“Of course.” She turned to the nightstand where she kept her scotch and glasses. “Have a seat on the bed.” Her hands shook as she poured the drinks and extended one to him. “To us.”
Aline gulped hers down while Sidney just held his and watched her.
“Something happened to scare you,” he said. “What is it?”
“You being gone so long. That’s all.”
Sidney put his drink down and began to take off his shirt. “It’s more than that.”
Setting her drink aside, Aline leaned in to him and whispered, “I love you. I’ve had sex with many men but I actually love you.”
I wonder how many times she’s said that before?
Her shaking hand went to her mouth. “I think I’m going crazy.”
“Hell, we’re all crazy.”
“I’ve been thinking about it. My mother had to become a whore but she was never an actual member of this organization. Harry’s been a member for years but he’s too stupid to go crazy.”
“So you want out?” Sidney tried not to sound cynical but he couldn’t help but believe she was trying to find out if he was working for both sides.
“Haven’t you ever wanted out?”
“How about your father?”
“Let’s not talk about him.” Sidney leaned into her and kissed her. His hands deftly loosened her robe. She wore no nightgown.
After they made love Sidney rolled over and went to sleep, feeling slightly dissatisfied. Her desperate eagerness made him distrust her even more. As he drifted into a deep slumber, he heard her speak.
Oh God, I hope she doesn’t want to spill her guts again.
He rolled over to see her eyes were closed tight, her brow knit in anxiety and her shoulders twitched.
“I want out, Harry” she mumbled in her sleep.
Sidney deliberated a moment then took on Harry’s voice. “Why do you want out?”
“Why?” Sidney continued.
“Killed Leon.”
Sidney’s body burned with rage.
“Why?” He was careful to control his voice.
“Mistake. You got orders wrong.”
Sidney wanted to take his pillow and suffocate her right then, but his instincts told him it was the wrong time, the wrong place.
“Help me, Harry,” she continued.
“Why?” Sidney asked.
“I’m in love.”
“Which one, the Duke or Duchess?” he pressed.
She grunted in derision. “Stupid old people.”
“Sidney,” Aline whispered. “I love Sidney.”
His stomach turned. He tasted acrid bile in his mouth.

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