David, Wallis and the Mercenary Chapter Six

Wallis and Win
(Author’s note: Caution: adult content)
In her Washington hotel room, Wallis hoped her new husband Winfield Spencer would awake with the same look of terror in his eyes as Uncle Sol had. It would be ever so much fun. Wallis, however, bored quickly. Emptying the rest of her champagne, she set the glass aside and leaned forward to slap Win’s face.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room. He saw he was tied to the bed, completely naked with his new wife, in a filmy nightgown straddling him. He jerked on the ropes. Win smiled.
“I didn’t know you were this adventuresome.”
“Calm down. I’m not. Well, at least not in the way you might hope.” Wallis removed her gown.
His eyes widened as he looked closely at her nude body illumined by candles on the night tables.
“I don’t understand.”
“No, I didn’t suppose you would,” she replied in a flat voice. “That’s why I drugged you and tied you up for the great disclosure.”
His head came forward, and his eyes squinted in the dim light. Wallis watched him start at the top. No surprise there. She knew he was used to her face. Then his look went to disappointment. She was expecting that too. Most men assumed a woman’s bosom would be bigger when not hidden by a dress. Finally his attention turned to the dark area between her legs.
“But I don’t see—“
“Yes, but don’t be so bourgeois to say what isn’t there and what is. I won’t go into medical details. My doctors told my mother and me that I have small male parts but female hormones to make me look female. If I had my preferences, I would be a man and not a woman. But women get to wear such nice clothes.” She shrugged. “It has not been an easy life.”
“If you want to be with a woman then go be with a woman. Why involve me in this at all?”
“Money, prestige, travel.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Didn’t you notice how vain and greedy I am? Really, that’s the first thing people say about me. If I had feelings they would be hurt.”
“I just thought you were being clever and witty. I thought I was marrying a shallow, harmless female whose charm and personality would help me in my career.”
Her eye brow went up in mockery. “Harmless?” Wallis leaned over Win’s body with the glowing butt of a cigarette between the lacquered tips of her fingernails.
“I know where to stick this in places on your body that could reduce you to tears, and no one could ever figure out why you were in pain.”
“Why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to be punished by being legally married to—to that body?”
Wallis withdrew the cigarette and puffed on it. “Your body isn’t exactly a woman’s dream, believe me. You have a somewhat handsome face, you wear a uniform well, and you have a commendable swagger. But, my god, that belly is a disgrace. And your breasts are bigger than mine. They’re not muscle either, but ugly fat, like an old woman.”
Struggling against the ropes, Win twisted his face in a rage. “If you find me so disgusting why the hell did you marry me?”
She blew smoke in his face. “Because you are the greatest aviator in the United States military. From my sources, you might even be the greatest in the world. In all probability you will rise to the highest rank , travel the world—I’ve always wanted to see the best places in the world—and you will make a comfortable income. Enough to buy me many pretty dresses.”
Win lunged toward her. “Don’t you know I will beat the living daylights out of you when I get out of these ropes?”
She shook her head. “You haven’t been paying attention. You might have brute strength but you are incredibly stupid. How you have the intelligence to keep an airplane in the sky I don’t know.” Wallis thrust the hot cigarette butt into his hairy navel, causing him to pull back his head in pain. “And you will learn what I can do with hat pins. Uncle Sollie knows. Didn’t you notice how nervous he was at the wedding? Also, I have experimented with natural herbs, knowing how much to use to send you to the brink of death but bring you back to wrack your body with indescribable agony.
“Remember when I told you my mother and I spent our summers in the Blue Ridge Mountains? Those mountain people can teach a little girl so many fascinating things about plants. You must learn to listen more carefully.”
Leaning back, Wallis pulled her night gown over her head. “I also know how to punch myself to create shocking bruises. What life would you have in the military if you were labelled a wife beater?”
“I’ll divorce you. Or have the marriage annulled!”
“It’s my word against yours!”
“Yes, it’s been my word against many people in my life time, darling, and my word always prevails.”
Win tried to hold back tears. “Oh my God, I am damned.”
Wallis laughed raucously, reveling in its rough maleness.
“You know, if you were to take my name instead of me taking yours, you would be Winfield Warfield. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?”

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