Cancer Chronicles Fifty-Eight

This week a friend mentioned to me how much he enjoyed reading my Cancer Chronicles and asked if I had considered opening it up to the experiences of other people who have dealt with the many aspects of cancer. I think this is a great idea. I’ve had my say. Now I want everyone else to have a say too.
He wanted to write about his sister’s struggle with cancer. I think I’d like to invite anyone who has faced any life threatening crisis with family members or good friends. Many physical ailments confront us to make us consider our frailties and those of our loved ones.
If you want a forum in which to share your story, please send your message to, and I will post it on my blog on Wednesdays under the label Cancer Chronicles. Please keep your story to four or five paragraphs. Also do not slip into negative commentary on quality of care, medical costs or political philosophy. If you want to remain anonymous to the reading public that is fine. There is no deadline. Anything that arrives after the Wednesday posting will be used the next week.
If I miss posting one Wednesday and your message is delayed, please have patience. I’m an old man and sometimes stuff doesn’t get done in a timely manner.
We make it through the nonsense of life by leaning on each other. I don’t know about anyone else, but I need all the help I can get. And I’m here for you.

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