Cancer Chronicles Twenty-Eight

The worst seems to have been saved for last. Pain from radiation treatment has kept my wife in constant varying levels of pain here in the last week of radiation treatment.
Six weeks ago the discomfort was minimal, but blasts of x-rays here, there and everywhere five days a week created patches of heat which were only relieved by wet paper towels applied directly to the flaming red splotches. She used this ointment three times a day throughout the treatment period but its effectiveness dwindled.
The focus of the radiation beams changed from one small area to another, each one marked in black marksalot. Unfortunately, the pain lingered after the treatment moved on.
At times effects were more discomfort than actual pain, but even that disrupted her sleep, leaving her energy even lower than usual. It didn’t keep her from getting out over the weekend and having some fun. We went to a local theatre and watched a musical and then went to a nice restaurant. But the next day she was really dragging.
Each day puts her closer to the last treatment, and she is counting them.
Enough already. I want the best friend I’ve ever had to stop feeling pain.

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