The Triangle

Li’l Bit was at the end of his leash, so to speak. The rotund chi-weenie dug down deep into the large dog pillow in the corner of the bedroom to pout. This situation with those two bitches was about to kill him. He could remember several years ago when he was the top dog around the house, but not anymore.
He had his best buddy Goofy, a slow-witted Basset hound, who let Li’l Bit tell him what to do. They pranced around the yard like a canine Mutt and Jeff. The women dogs always made room for them, but then Goofy got out of the yard one day, chasing some enticing smell, ran right in front of a car, and that was the end of him.
For a while the two girls, Cleo and Tootz, let Li’l Bit be king of the house. Cleo was a tall, lanky Labrador retriever mix who was about Li’l Bit’s age. When they first got to know each other they were the same size, but Cleo grew. It took her a long time, though, to figure out they were not the same size anymore. Tootz was a younger and newer addition to the family. She was a Chihuahua and was just about the right size to make a good match for Li’l Bit.
Until the unfortunate incontinence incident.
All three of them were racing to the back door after a squirrel sighting in one of the trees. Then Li’l Bit, in his haste to lead the way out, ran between Cleo’s slender legs. Unbeknownst to Li’l Bit, Cleo had developed a phobia about being tripped up by little dog legs and ending up on her skinny butt. Before he knew it, Li’l Bit found himself rolled on his back with Cleo snarling in his face. The next thing they knew, they smelled chi-weenie poop on the floor. Tootz snapped at Li’l Bit’s ears which she had never done. He had been her big and stronger loverboy, but not now.
From that day forth, Li’l Bit lost his alpha leader role. In a twist of fate, Tootz assumed the position. As the girlfriend of the previous king, she became queen. Cleo was not interested in being a leader. She just didn’t want the little dogs running between her legs and possibly tripping her.
To compensate for losing his crown, Li’l Bit turned to dog biscuits for comfort, and they began to show around his midsection. Tootz kept her school girl figure but only for herself. If Li’l Bit ever tried to act a little interested, she’d snarl and snap, and sit with her back to him. Cleo also put on weight, but she had been so terribly thin she never looked overweight. She assumed a motherly role with the two little ones. Also somewhat of a widow role too, since she had held a secret admiration for the foolish, doomed Goofy.
From time to time the same incident occurred, although without the embarrassing incontinence. After the latest event, however, Li’l Bit decided to become a hermit and never socialize with those two bitches again. Every few minutes he would dig his head into the pillow and lightly whine. First Tootz came into the room, sat next to the pillow, staring across the room. After a while she turned and tentatively sniffed Li’l Bit’s ears but quickly turned back to face in the other direction. Next Cleo lanquidly ambled in and sat on the other side of the pillow, looking off at nothing in particular.
Li’l Bit whined some and twisted around on the bed. In a moment Cleo leaned down and sniffed his head before resuming her position. Then Tootz nuzzled his jowls briefly but pulled away. Cleo folded down on her legs, put her head down and sighed loudly.
Damn bitches, Li’l Bit thought. Who can stay mad at them?

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